
The Centre de recherche et d’information socio-politiques – CRISP (Center for socio-political research and information) is a Belgian research center devoted to the study of decision-making in Belgium and in Europe. Since its creation in 1958, CRISP has remained pluralistic and independent. Research objectives are to shed light upon the real stakes of decision-making, to explain its mechanisms, and to analyze the role of all the actors involved, whether they are political, economical, social or originating from civil society. Studied subjects comprise politics, economy and society in their global dimension.

CRISP devotes its attention not only to political parties,representative organizations of employers or employees, interest groups, but as well to corporations, as they are the most important structures of economical power. In this context, CRISP maintains a database concerning the shareholding of companies located in Wallonia. This database is freely accessible in English on the net.

Results from research carried out by CRISP or by associated collaborators are published in French.

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