The publications of CRISP constitute a fundamental source of information pertaining to the social, economic or political history of Belgium after World War II, as well as to the transformation of its institutions. CRISP publishes books, pedagogic documents in a series known as dossiers du CRISP, and a periodical : Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP. All publications are in French. A thematic catalogue,indexing everything ever published by CRISP, is available on-line (in French).The books and documents can be ordered on-line, thanks to a user-friendly caddy system. The latest titles published by CRISP receive a more detailed presentation (in French).
The books
CRISP publishes reference works of high scientific value. Among the catalogue titles, one can find the ‘Histoire politique de la Belgique, facteurs et acteurs de changement‘ (A political history of Belgium : causes and actors of change) written by the president of Crisp, Xavier Mabille, now in its fourth edition. Or l‘Organisation mondiale du commerce. Règles de fonctionnement et enjeux économiques‘ (The World Trade Organisation. Functioning rules and economic stakes), a study by Jean-Marie Warêgne explaining and deconstructing the WTO mechanisms. Some books are devoted to very specific and somewhat technical matters. Such is the case with Philippe Cattoir, ‘Fédéralisme et solidarité financière. Étude comparative de six pays‘. (Federalism and financial solidarity. A comparative study of 6 countries). Others are aimed at a wider audience, like the ‘Vocabulaire politique‘ (Political vocabulary), a short dictionary guiding the reader through the institutional landscape of Belgium.
Dossier du Crisp
Published twice a year, they have a twofold objective, scientific and pedagogic. In a limited amount of pages, they provide clear and precise information in a language understandable by all. Among the latest subjects : the European currency,organizations of worship and the Law, social assistance or trade-unions. A special issue of the ‘Dossiers’, ‘La Belgique fédérale‘, by Jacques Brassinne, explains as clearly as possible the complex institutional situation of Belgium.
Courrier hebdomadaire
Since 1959, at an annual rhythm of 40 issues, ‘Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP‘ represents one of the best information sources for people holding responsibilities in politics, economy management or diplomacy in Belgium, and for outside observers. Each issue is devoted to the in-depth study of one aspect of political life, understood in the broadest sense : decision-making process, subject of decision, actor or institution. A special place has been reserved to electoral processes, and an increasing number of issues focus on the international, mostly European, dimension.